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Chapter 8: Along came an Ungoliant | Silmarillion Explained
Chapter 8 - Of the Darkening of Valinor - J.R.R. Tolkien
Why Tolkien Didn't Like Dune
The Silmarils | Tolkien Explained
George RR Martin vs Fan who thinks he found a Plot Hole
Orc argues with Saruman
Middle-earth Reading Order - Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, and beyond! | Tolkien 101
Chapter 9.1: The Oath of Fëanor | Silmarillion Explained
Orcs, Goblins, & Uruk-hai - What's the Difference? | Tolkien Explained
Chapter 16.2 - The Rise of Maeglin | Silmarillion Explained
Chapter 17.2 - The Elf-friends: Lady Haleth and the House of Hador | Silmarillion Explained
Durin's Bane | The Balrog of Moria Explained